What is your Healthy

Healthy is not a weight. It is not a specific diet. It is not exercising 7 days a week and it is not eating clean 7 days a week. Most of all it is not the same for everyone!

We all see “health” differently. This comes not only by the things we see around us through social media, reality TV, documentaries and the outstanding amount of health books out there, but also how we were raised and our own personal life path. Healthy to me use to be having a six pack. That was it. No concept or care about what I needed to do to achieve it, but a six pack was my ultimate goal for health. I now realize how unhealthy I truly became to reach this ideal of health I had stuck in my head. Being so focused on the end game that I had tunnel vision. Don’t get me wrong though, having abs is still one of my goals….it just isn’t my ideal of health!

You could have been raised in a “normal” (whose really normal?) family, or you could have been raised in a dysfunctional family like the rest of us. Think back to your family rules about food and exercise. How has that impacted your habits now/today? The mark that is most often missed when dealing with health is that it is not a destination. There is not one specific thing that will make you healthy. That goes for your body, your soul and your mind!  Well, Christ is the one thing that will make your soul healthy, but how often is our soul healthy the moment we accept Christ? It’s never just one thing…..its a million small things everyday! The goals are always changing and the ideals are always changing, so ask yourself….where does your idea of healthy come from? Is it distorted like mine used to be?

What does your healthy look like?



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