Leading off my last post about how life is hard and learning to accept that I want to bring up the next part in facing those hard times. So, if life is hard and there is no way around it…..then how do we prepare ourselves to get through the problems life throws our way? One Word……..
Self Discipline: the ability to control one’s feelings and overcome one’s weaknesses; the ability to pursue what one thinks is right despite temptations to abandon it.
Learning this life skill can develop through many areas of you life; your parents, a sport or fitness, your faith or JUST GROWING UP.
The fact is, you won’t reach any goal in life unless you have self-discipline and I am a firm believer in it. Want to loose the weight? Want a happy marriage? What obedient kids? Want to start that company? Want to get that degree? Well you can’t just move towards your goals when you “feel like it” because then where does that leave you? So much of our misconceptions can come from not being honest with ourselves who is really the reason for our success and failures. Ourselves. Life is hard…….that will never change, so why are you waiting for certain situations to line up? What are you waiting on? A feeling…..a moment…..a certain other person? It’s a lot of responsibility owning up to your own life, feelings and actions. Are you ready for it? YOU have to want to live your best life and YOU have to be willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen….all excuses and non-productive/helpful thoughts aside. This is when those irrational thoughts can come into play and you have to fight them! (If you missed that post go check it out!)
“Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be”