Fashion FriYAY!

Hey Y’all! Here it is, as promised! FASHION FRIDAY and today I’m talking about this super cute and comfy set from Athleta by Gap!



I am not usually one to show my stomach, but this outfit is a perfect medium. The high waisted bottoms mixed with the great coverage top worked PERFECTLY! Here are some more detail looks!

I am also a penny pincher these days, so I only slurge on a set like this occasionally, but let me tell you…..I had ZERO buyers remorse with this one! They had a ton of other styles too, so go take a look!

Side note: My favorite take way was the advertisement in their stores. They had pictures on the walls of all kinds of fit bodies. Not everyone had ripped abs and not everyone had the typical athletic body and I LOVED IT!!!! Besides a great product, they are a great company!

Here’s the link to buy the set I am wearing! Good luck fellow fitness ladies and may the force be with you 🙂 haha

Montra Capri in Abyss

Deep Breath Bralette


Hope y’all enjoy and Tag us in your pictures! #trilogyfitnessTX

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