Cocaine Anonymous

For one of my assignments I need to attend a 12 step program. I somehow ended up at the Cocaine Anonymous 12 step program meeting and it was the best thing that has happened to me in awhile. The room honestly reminded me of what heaven will look like. You assume SO much, even I had a mental picture of what the room would look like and what the people would be like that filled it… was I wrong! There were your girls next door, your tatted up giant men, your gothics, your sorority girls, your fresh jail birds, your average dads and/or moms, the homeless person you just passed on the street, every “type” of person was there and it was beautiful.  The honesty was so deep that I felt like I was among REAL people.  What do I mean by real?…….. By real I mean that they were honest about who they are and what they hide. Not like the “let me just be real for a second” type of people, but actual real human beings that are like you and me and broken. They talked honestly about their lies……their struggles…..their masks……their true need for a higher power (being God) and their addictions.  The topic read from their Big Book was about the mask you wear everyday and how hiding what you’re doing causes such anxiety that can lead to using (cocaine, heroin, alcohol) and even then the different roles as addict and a normally functioning person. They found themselves as addicts, not knowing how they got there……and now sober they find themselves thankful for even being able to feel guilt. WOW..WOW..WOW…guys, it was amazing! Being able to feel guilty about something is something to appreciate. I wish we could all be this honest. We can all look at ourselves and find our own addictions and lies we tell ourselves. If honesty can set a Cocaine addict free imagine what honesty can set your free from!


What masks do you wear? What mask do you work tirelessly to keep up?  What are your addictions?  What are you escaping?

-perfect mom—-best wife—-best friend—-strong—spiritual—-a good person—-put together—–happy/bubbly—-best employee—-healthy—good christian– ……..the list obviously goes on!


What are your intentions throughout your day?….Do your conversations have intentions to mainly benefit yourself?…..

They were all there for one thing….and it is something we all need……FREEDOM.

How do you get freedom? The most simple yet most difficult thing we can do……be honest with ourselves and God. The more honest you are the more free you will find. The more of your deep dark secrets and inner shadows pass through your lips to God and another human being that you trust watch as the freedom sets in. You will realize no one is perfect, and you are still lovable even when THE WORST is exposed.


My favorite take away was the man who had been through all 12 steps multiple times and had relapsed time after time until he realized what he wasn’t paying attention to or truly incorporating……that was his Faith/relationship in God. His words were so powerful. He said, “It wasn’t until I had my own understanding of God that I felt a true, raw connection to him….I stopped trying to understand the relationship others talked about and what I thought it should be and  started searching for my own.”  No two relationship is the same person to person, so why assume your relationship with Christ will be like anyone else. When you truly search for God……you will find him.


Trilogy Fitness TX




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