I love that Self-Care has become as popular as it has, but you may be letting your days slip by without incorporating even when you have heard how important it is! Here are 3 tips on how to create the time you need to regenerate and take care of yourself. Stop allowing yourself to get burnt out while you are grinding towards your goals, it doesn’t help anyone!
Time Blocking.
Time blocking has been a great tool to help me not only get all the house chores done, utilize nap times productively, work on my business, but also as time to look after myself! Here is how you MAKE it happen. Block off 30 minutes in your day/evening on your schedule and get your timer out. Set it for 30 minutes and use that time to do something for yourself that you normally wouldn’t. This can be having a glass of wine in a bath, reading a good book, listening to a podcast, following a meditation, sitting outside in the sun, going for a walk and the list goes on
Take Non-Essentials Off of Your To-Do list.
The biggest and probably hardest growth I’ve made personally in the last year is learning to say…..NO! Carving out 30 minutes in your day to improve your quality of life should not be impossible or feel overwhelming. If your schedule is THAT packed then maybe you need to ask yourself if everything on your T0-Do list needs to be there? What is on your schedule that you really should have said no to? Do you have events in your calendar that you are not excited about? Do you have things on your list that you can let someone else handle for you? Ask for help and learn to say NO!
Schedule a “Me Day” or Evening.
Here me when I say, your marriage will not be great if you don’t plan date nights to really connect with each other. Your kids need one on one quality time to thrive. This is true for your relationship with yourself too! Plan a when you can to do the things you love (allow your significant other to do the same!)

Simple right!? Haha it really should be! If you are tired of being tired and burnt out then this is no longer something you should put off or “just not have time for” and you need to make it happen. The benefits will astound you! REMEMBER THIS……In our fast paced, multi-hat wearing lives, providing self-care goes a long way. You know you need it! Allow yourself to experience consistent Self-Care.